Sample Question Paper--Term-I--(October-2010)
Class IX--Time: 3hours --M.M.: 80
Instructions :1. The question paper has 35 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
2. Marks are indicated against each question.
3. This question paper consists of two parts i.e. Part I & Part II. Part I of this question paper contains Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) from serial Number 1 to 16 of 1 mark each.
These sixteen questions of Part I are to be answered on a separate sheet provided. This part has to be completed in first 30 minutes only and the answer sheet must be handed over to the invigilator before starting Part II.
4. In part II of the question paper there are 19 questions from serial No. 17 to 35. These questions are to be attempted in 2 hours and 30 minutes. This part should be attempted only after the stipulated time given for Part I.
5. Questions from serial number 17 to 27 are 3 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 80 words each
6. Questions from serial number 28 to 34 are 4 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 100 words each
7. Question number 35 is a map question of 3 marks from Geography only. After completion,attach the map inside your answer book.
Note : For question No. 1-4, attempt any one group i.e. Group A or Group B or Group C from the following :
Group A
1. On what charges was Louis XVI Guillotined?
(a) Misgovernance (b) cruelty
(c) treason (d) absolute rule 1
2. By whom was 'social contract' written?
(a) Volltaire (b) Rousseau
(c) Adam Smith (d) Gorky 1
3. In the context of Russia what was 'Kullak'?
(a) A Collective form (b) A Russian school
(c) Well-to-do peasants (d) Landless labourers 1
4. Which one of the following refers to the secret police of Russia?
(a) Cheka (b) Gestapo
(c) Security police (d) F.B.I. 1
Group B
1. In the context of Russia what was 'Kullak'?
(a) A collective farm (b) A Russian school
(c) Well to do peasants (d) Landless labourers 1
2. Which one of the following refers to the secret police of Russia?
(a) Cheka (b) Gestapo
(c) Security police (d) FBI 1
3. In the context of Nazi Germany what was 'Jungvolk'?
(a) A School for Jews (b) A School of German
(c) A Nazi Youth group of 14 years old
(d) Society of adults above 20 years old 1
4. Strike the odd one out :
(a) Poles (b) Gypsies
(c) Jews (d) Germans 1
Group 'C’
1. In the context of Nazi Germany what was 'Jungvolk'?
(a) A School for Jews (b) A School of German
(c) A Nazi Youth group of 14 years old
(d) Society of adults above 20 years old 1
2. Strike the odd one out :
(a) Poles (b) Gypsies
(c) Jews (d) Germans 1
3. On what charges was Louis XVI Guillotined?
(a) Misgovernance (b) Cruelty
(c) Treason (d) Absolute rule 1
4. By whom was the 'social contract' written?
(a) Voltaire (b) Rousseau
(c) Adam Smith (d) Gorky 1
5. In which one of the following groups of Hemisphere India is located?
(a) Eastern and Western Hemisphere
(b) Northern and Southern Hemisphere
(c) Eastern and Northern Hemisphere
(d) Land and Water Hemisphere 1
6. Which one of the following features is related to the lower course of the river?
(a) Delta (b) Meander
(c) Ox-bow Lake (d) Gorge 1
7. How many member countries are there in UN General Assembly? Select the correct alternative from the following :
(a) 142 (b) 192
(c) 182 (d) 132 1
8. Which one of the following international organizations is responsible for maintaining peace and security among countries of the world?
(a) General Assembly
(b) Security council
(c) International Court of Justice
(d) International Monetary fund 1
9. When did the Constituent Assembly adopt the Constitution of India? Select the correct alternatives from the following :
(a) 26th January, 1949 (b) 26th January, 1950
(c) 26th November, 1949 (d) 26th December, 1950
10. Who was the chairman of the Drafting Committee for making the constitution of India? Choose the correct answer from the following :
(a) Rajendra Prasad (b) Baldev Singh
(c) H.C. Mookherjee (d) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 1
11. Which one of the following is not a factor of production?
(a) Land (b) Labour
(c) Capital (d) Purchasing power 1
12. Which among the following is not an item of fixed capital?
(a) Tools (b) Raw Materials
(c) Machines (d) Building
13. Which one of the following activity is not associated with the primary sector?
(a) Agriculture (b) Forestry
(c) Education (d) Mining
14. Which one of the following is not an activity of tertiary sector?
(a) Transport (b) Banking
(c) Manufacturing (d) Tourism
15. Which one of the following is an important component of disaster preparedness?
(a) Conducting Mock drills, training and practice
(b) Implementing the disaster management plan
(c) Setting up of Medical camps
(d) Activating the emergency operations 1
16. Which one of the following is a slow onset hazard?
(a) Volcanic eruption (b) Floods
(c) Landslides (d) Drought
Part IINote : Attempt any one group i.e. Group A or Group B or Group C from the following :
Group A
17. Explain the significance of French revolution on the history of France. 3
18. Explain Lenin's 'April Theses'. 3
Group 'B
17. Explain Lenin's 'April Theses'. 3
18. Why did Weimar Republic set up in Germany after the first world war, become unpopular? Give three reasons 3
Group 'C'
17. Why did Weimar Republic set up in Germany after the first world war become unpopular? Give three reasons. 3
18. Explain the significance of French revolution in the history of France. 3
19. What is the latitudinal extent of India? How does it influence our lives? Explain giving two
examples. 1+2=3
20. Name the three parallel ranges of the Himalayas. Write main feature of each range. 1½+1½=3
21. How are the Peninsular rivers of India different from those of the Himalayas? Give any three
points of distinction. 3x1=3
22. Explain any three difficulties faced by the people in a non-democratic country.
23. Write any three arguments against democracy. 3x1=3
24. Why is human capital the most important factor of production? Give three reasons. 3x1=3
25. How have countries like Japan become rich and developed? Explain three reasons.
26. Give the meaning of disaster risk. Mention the four elements of emergency disaster management. 1+2=3
27. Explain any three effects of floods. 3x1=3
Note : Attempt any one group i.e. Group A or Group B or Group C from the following :
Group A
28. Despite various reforms introduced by Robespierre, why was his reign termed as reign of terror? 4
29. Evaluate the main features of Stalin's collectivization programme. 4
Group B
28. Evaluate the main features of Stalin's collectivization programme. 4
29. What effects did Nazism have on the school system? Give four points. 4
Group C
28. What effects did Nazism have on the school system? Give four points. 4
29. Despite various reforms introduced by Robespeire, why was his reign termed as reign of terror? 4
30. Which are the two physical divisions of the Peninsular plateau? Write three characteristics of each division. 1+1½+1½=4
31. Describe any four points in favour of democracy. 4
32. Explain any four salient features of Indian constitution. 4
33. Explain the four requirements of the production of goods & services. 4
34. How does unemployment affect the overall growth of an economy? Explain by giving four points. 4
35. Three features (1-3) are marked on the given political outline map of India. Identify these features with the help of following information and write their correct names on the lines marked in the map.
1. The state having longest international boundary.
2. The smallest state in respect of area.
3. Important river of South India. 1+1+1=3
Locate and label the following on the same political outline map of India. 3x1=3
a. Mount K2
b. Tropic of Cancer
c. Aravali Range
Note : The following question is for the visually impaired candidates only in lieu of map 35.
(i) Which is the smallest state of India in respect of area?
(ii) In which state is Aravali mountain range?
(iii) Name the highest mountain peak of India. 3x1=3
Outline Political map of India for Question No. 35.
Social Science
Marking Scheme
Class IX
Group A
1. (c) 3. (c)
2. (b) 4. (a)
Group B
1. (c) 3. (c)
2. (a) 4. (d)
Group C
1. (c) 3. (c)
2. (d) 4. (b)
5. (c) 6. (a)
7. (b) 8. (b)
9. (b) 10. (d)
11. (d) 12. (b)
13. (c) 14. (c)
15. (a) 16. (d)
Group 'A'
17. 1. It led to the abolition of monarchies and paved the way for democratic government.
2. National Assembly was constituted and a new constitution was made.
3. Ended privileges based on birth. The Declaration of Rights of Man and citizen upheld
the rights to life, freedom of speech and opinion.
4. Any other relevant point.
(Any three points) 3x1
18. Lenin put three demands which were known as Lenin's 'April Theses'.
They were :
i. The war be brought to a close.
ii. Land be transferred to the peasants.
iii. The banks be nationalized.
These three demands to be explained. 3x1=3
Group B
17. See answer 18 of Group A.
18. After the defeat of Germany in the war, the German emperor abdicated and Weimer
Republic was proclaimed by the National Assembly with a federal structure.
1. This republic however could never become popular. The people made this government
responsible for accepting the humiliating treaty of Versailles and for all the miseries
experienced by the people.
2. The Weimer Republic was being made to pay for the sins of the old empire. The
supporters of the Weimer Republic mainly socialists, Catholics and Democrats
became easy targets of attack in nationalist circles.
3. Democracy and republican government was yet a new idea, the importance of which
was not easily comprehended by the common people. 1x3=3
Any other relevant point
Any three points. 3x1=3
Group C
17 See answer 18 of Group B.
18 See answer 17 of Group A.
19. Latitudinal extent : 6ยบ4'N to 37°6'N 1 mark
Influence :
1. Tropic of cancer divides the country into two equal parts.
2. Thus India is situated in tropical and temperate zones.
3. Northern part of India has high annual range of temperature whereas the southern part
has low annual range of temperature
4. The latitudinal extent influences the duration of the day and night as one moves from
south to north
5. Duration of day and night varies from 45 minutes in the extreme south to 5½ hours in
the extreme south.
6. Any other relevant point.
Any two points to be explained 1+2=3
20. Parallel Ranges
1. Himadri / Greater Himalaya / Inner Himalaya
2. Himachal / Lesser Himalaya
3. Shiwaliks 3x½ = 1½
Features :
i. It is the most continuous range
ii. Consisting of the loftiest peaks with an average height of 6000 metres.
iii. The folds are asymmetrical in nature.
iv. Composed of granite
v. It is perennially snow bound.
vi. Any other relevant point any one feature. ½
i. It is the most rugged mountain system.
ii. Composed of highly compressed and altered rocks.
iii. The altitude varies between 3700 and 4500 metres.
iv. The average width is of 50 km.
v. This range consists of the famous valley of Kashmir, the Kangra and Kullu Valley.
vi. Any other relevant point
Any one feature. ½
i. The outer most range.
ii. Extends over a width of 10-50 km
iii. The altitude varies between 900 and 1100 metres.
iv. Composed of unconsolidated sediments.
v. Any other relevant point.
Any one feature. ½
21. The Peninsular Rivers Himalayan Rivers
A large number of the peninsular rivers Most of the Himalayan rivers are perennial.
are seasonal. They depend on rainfall. They depend on rainfall as well on melting of
The peninsular rivers have shorter and They have long courses from their source
shallower courses. to mouth.
They hardly perform erosional activity They perform intensive erosional activity
even in their upper course. in their upper courses.
Major rivers are Mahanadi, Godavari, Major rivers are Indus, Ganga and
Krishna, Kaveri, Narmada and Tapi Brahmaputra
Any other point relevant point
Any three points
Any other point of distinction
22. i. People do not have any rights.
ii. They can't choose or change their rulers.
iii. There is no real freedom to express one's opinion.
iv. There are no political associations, organized protests & political actions.
v. Any other relevant point.
(any three points to be explained) 3x1=3
23. i. Leaders keep changing in a democracy. This leads to instability.
ii. Democracy leads to corruption for it is based on electoral competition.
iii. Elected leaders do not know the best interest of the people. It leads to wrong decisions.
iv. It delays decision making process.
v. Any other relevant point.
(Any three points) 3x1=3
24. (a) Human capital refers to the people who possess the knowledge and enterprises to
put together the other factors of production.
(b) Investment in human capital yields a return just like investment in physical capital.
(c) It is essential as physical capital cannot produce goods and services on their own.
(d) Any other relevant point. Any these points to be explained. 3x1=3
25. (a) The countries like Japan do not have any natural resources. They import the needed resources.
(b) They have invested in human resource especially in the field of education & health.
(c) Efficiency & technology evolved by people have made these countries rich &
(d) Any other relevant point. 3x1=3
26. Disaster risk is the product of hazard and vulnerability divided by capacity for
convenience. 1
Four elements are :
i. Preparedness
ii. Response
iii. Recovery
iv. Prevention
Each point to be described briefly 4x½=2
27. Effects are : 1+2=3
i. Physical damage to structures
ii. Casualties of people and live stock
iii. Contamination of water supplies
iv Failure of crops / shortage of food supplies
Any three points to be explained. 3x1=3
Group A
28. The Jacobin government under Robespierre abolished monarchy and declared France as a Republic, a form of government where people elect the government, including the head of the state. 1
Inspite of bringing these landmark changes, his period was referred to as a reign of terror.
1. He followed a policy of severe control and punishment.
2. All those who opposed him were considered enemies of the republic, were arrested,
imprisoned and tried by a revolutionary tribunal.
3. If found guilty they were guillotined.
4. Any other relevant point. 1+3=4
(Any three points)
29. i. All the peasants were forced to cultivate in collective farms. (Kolkhoz)
ii. The bulk of land and implements were transferred to the ownership of collective farms.
iii. Peasants worked on the land and the Kolkhoz profit was shared.
iv. Some peasants resisted the authorities and destroyed their livestock.
v. Those who resisted collectivisation were punished.
vi. Many were deported and jailed.
Any four points. 4x1=4
Group B
28. See Answer 29 of Group A.
29. 1. All schools were 'cleared' and purified.
2. Children were first segregated. German and Jews could not sit together or play together.
3. Eventually all undesirable children such as jews and gypsies were thrown out of schools.
4. Good German children were subjected to prolonged period of Nazi Schooling. 1x4
Any four points 4x1=4
Group C
28. See answer 29 of Group B.
29. See answer 28 of Group A.
30. Physical division of Peninsular Plateau:
(A) Central Highlands (B) Deccan Plateau ½+½=1 mark
A. i. Lies to the north of Narmada river.
ii. It covers a major area of the Malwa plateau.
iii. It is bound by the Vindhyan range in the south and Aravalis on the north
iv. The central Highlands are wider in the west and narrower in the east.
v. The eastward extensions are locally known as the Bundelkhand,
Chotanagpur plateau.
vi. Any other relevant point.
Any three characteristics. 3x½=1½ marks
B. i. The Deccan plateau is a triangular landmass.
ii. It lies to the south of the Narmada river.
iii. Satpura range flanks its broad base in the north while Mahadev, the kaimue
and Maikal ranges form its eastern extensions.
iv. It is higher in the west and slopes gently eastwards.
v. Its extension towards northeast, locally known and the Meghalaya as Karbi-
Anglen plateau.
vi. Any other relevant point.
Any three characteristics. 3x½=1½ marks
31. i. A democratic govt. is a better govt. because it is more accountable to the people.
ii. Democracy improves quality of decision making.
iii. Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts.
iv. Democracy enhances the dignity of citizens.
v. Any other relevant point.
(Any four point to be described) 4x1=4
32. (a) The constitution generates a degree of trust and coordination that is necessary for
different kinds of people to live together.
(b) It specifies how the govt. will be constituted, who will have power to take which
(c) It lays down limits on the power of the government and tells us what the rights of the citizens are.
(d) It expresses the aspirations of the people about creating a good society.
(e) Any other relevant point.
Any four points. 4x1=4
33. The four main requirements for the production of goods and services are:
(a) The first requirement is land and other natural reasons.
(b) The second is labour i.e. people who carry out the work for production.
(c) The third is capital i.e. varieties of inputs are required for production such as (i) fixed capital (ii) working capital
(d) The fourth requirement is human capital. 4x1=4
34. The unemployment has detrimental impact on the overall growth of an economy.
(a) It is a wastage of man power resource.
(b) It increases the economic overload.
(c) It tends to increase the number of dependant population.
(d) Increase in unemployment is an indicator of a depressed economy.
35. Filled in map attached
For visually impaired candidates.
I. Goa
II. Rajasthan
III. Mt. K2
Mt. K2
Jammu & Kashmir