Friday, May 20, 2011

Holidays Homework

Dear students I'm posting holidays homework for you all , this is also there on school website.

Holidays Homework
(Session 2011-2012)

I Project: span>span style="font-weight:bold;">Disaster Management
Prepare a handwritten presentation with the following parameters from one of the recent occurrence of disaster in the world or India:-

a)Content of the subject matter
b)Location of the disaster
e)Rehabilitation Plan
f)Critical analysis of the preparedness plan
Instructions for the project:
1. Project is to be done on the A4 size sheets only OR in a A4 sized 'SCRAPE BOOK'.
2. It should be of atleast 12-15 pages.
First page must have--Name, Class,, and Title of the project.
3.second page should have Index.
4. Third page should be of Acknowledgement, i.e., thanking people who helped you in making your project.
5. Last page must have Bibliography: sources of information.


Collect a recent disaster clippings and discuss the impact on the area and how to control it.
Instructions are same for News Clipping also.
For any Querry please write in the comment box.

Following questions must be done in your fair register.

The French Revolution-History
1 How the French society was organized?
2Why Louis XVI found an empty treasury when he ascended the throne?
3What is subsistence crisis?
4Who were the middle class people and what did they propagate?
5What were the different taxes that were imposed on the third Estate?
6Differentiate between Active and Passive citizens.
7Why the period of 1793-94 was referred to as the reign of terror?
8Discuss the rise of Napoleon as the new military Dictator of France?

Political Science
Chapter 1:Democracy in the Contemporary World

1.What do you understand by the term ‘democracy’?
2.Write any two differences between democratic and non-democratic forms of government.
3.What took place in Chile on 11th Sept.?
4.Who was Ayen- they and what were the reforms introduced by him?
5.Compare and contrast the governments of Chile & Poland.
6.Why did did Ghana not remain a democracy for long?
7.Write the work of :-
b)Security Council
8.What are the conditions necessary for the success of democracy?


Chapter 1 The Story of Village Palampur

1.What is the main activity in village Palampur?
2.Discuss the various factors affecting production?
3.Draw a neat and labeled diagram of Modern Farming Methods.
4.What are the disadvantages of green Revolution?
5.Discuss the demerits of using chemical fertilizers.
6.How Multiple cropping is different from Modern methods of Farming?
7.Highlight the different modes of transport that are available in village Palampur.


1.If you have already done these question in your register, then do not repeat them.

2.Do the Project on A-4 size sheets.
3.You are not to do Political science questions as we have not done this chapter in the class.