Climate Change also called GLOBAL WARMING refers to the rise in average temperature of Earth an overwhelming scientific conserves maintains that climate change is primarily due to human use of fossil fuels, which releases carbon-dioxide & other green house gases into the air. India, a low latitude country is subject the catastrophes like Uttrakhand Forest Fire & recent explosions at Waste Land due to the changing weather patterns. This Interdisciplinary Project is aimed at generating an awareness in students of Kulachi to ‘SAVE EARTH.
Based on this theme do the following...
1.Define climate change. How it has induced a shift in agriculture, give reasons and statistics to support your answer. 5 Marks
2.How erratic and delayed monsoons has affected
a)Social life b) Economic life of the people of India
3.Compare and contrast the efforts made by International Communities (with special reference to Developed and Developing Countries) to reduce the impact of climate change. 5 Marks
4."Variability in climate occurs all the time” . Elaborate this statement with statistics also give reasons of climate change in the world (depict this in a form of model / chart)
5. Do assignment form Page No. 155 – 156 to 165 - 175 from your assignment booklet.
Rubrics of assessment
a) Content - 10
b) Presentation - 5
c) Viva Voce – 3
d) Timely submission - 2
Total 20
1.Work should be done neatly .Make use of colourful pens..Do not use glitter pens.
2.The work is to be done on A4 sized sheets (light in colour ... Do not use designer sheets)
3.Make use of newspapers, books, magazines etc.
4.Make a presentation of your findings by collecting pictures, drawing, photographs etc .